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checkbox template EJ2 Grid

Hi. I can't get the column template to work with the checkbox in the EJS grid:

            <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="isInRoleTemplate">
                <input id="isInRoleCheckbox" type="checkbox" {{if UserIsInRole}} checked {{/if}} onclick="isInRoleCheckbox_click(this)" />

                List<object> commands = new List<object>();
                commands.Add(new { type = "Edit", buttonOption = new { iconCss = "e-icons e-edit", cssClass = "e-flat" } });
                commands.Add(new { type = "Delete", buttonOption = new { iconCss = "e-icons e-delete", cssClass = "e-flat" } });
                commands.Add(new { type = "Save", buttonOption = new { iconCss = "e-icons e-update", cssClass = "e-flat" } });
                commands.Add(new { type = "Cancel", buttonOption = new { iconCss = "e-icons e-cancel-icon", cssClass = "e-flat" } });

            <ejs-grid id="gridRoles" width="600" height="500" allowPaging="true" allowResizing="true" allowSorting="true"
                      toolbar="@(new List<string>() {"Search", "Add"})"
                      load="onGridRolesLoad" actionComplete="roleActionComplete" actionFailure="roleActionFailure">
                <e-data-manager adaptor="UrlAdaptor" url="Admin/Roles_Read" insertUrl="Admin/Role_Add" updateUrl="Admin/Role_Update"
                <e-grid-editsettings allowEditing="true" mode="Dialog" template="#RoleDialogTemplate" allowAdding="true" allowDeleting="true"></e-grid-editsettings>
                <e-grid-filterSettings type="Excel"></e-grid-filterSettings>
                <e-grid-pagesettings pageSize="10"></e-grid-pagesettings>
                    <e-grid-column field="UserIsInRole" allowEditing="false" template="#isInRoleTemplate" width="90" headerText="isInRole"></e-grid-column>
                    <e-grid-column field="Name" headerText="Role" textAlign="Left" width="120"></e-grid-column>
                    <e-grid-column field="Id" width="150" isPrimaryKey="true" headerText="Id" allowEditing="false"></e-grid-column>
                    <e-grid-column width="100" commands="commands"></e-grid-column>

Everything works as expected, except for the column with the template (UserIsInRole).
What am I doing wrong? If you can-an example.

3 Replies

MS Madhu Sudhanan P Syncfusion Team November 29, 2018 12:23 PM UTC

Hi Costa, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

The template placeholder is used incorrectly in the code which is the cause of the issue. Please modify your template as follows. 

  <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="isInRoleTemplate"> 
   <input id="isInRoleCheckbox" type="checkbox"  ${if (UserIsInRole)} checked ${/if} /> 

For more information on using template engine and its syntax please refer the below link. 

Madhu Sudhanan P 

CO Costa November 29, 2018 01:37 PM UTC


MS Madhu Sudhanan P Syncfusion Team November 30, 2018 04:29 AM UTC

Hi Costa,  

Thanks for the update. Please get back to us if you require further assistance.  

Madhu Sudhanan P 

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