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Add new row manually

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to commit a new row manually, I found this example for WPF but it does not work for winforms.


The other way I can do it is cancel the AddNewRowInitiating event then add the new row to the bound data, but I can't find a way to cancel it either.


1 Reply

DY Deivaselvan Y Syncfusion Team November 29, 2018 12:03 PM UTC

Hi Chris, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

You can perform the AddNewRow operations programmatically same as the example provided in WPF. Please refer to the following code example and sample from the given location. 

Code example :  

private void commit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    var rowIndex = this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCell != null ? this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex : 0; 
    if (this.sfDataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(rowIndex)) 
        if (this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCell.IsEditing) 
        var rowColumnIndex = new RowColumnIndex(this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex, this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex); 
        var gridModel = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty(typeof(SfDataGrid), "GridModel").GetValue(sfDataGrid, null); 
        var addNewRowController = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty(gridModel.GetType(), "AddNewRowController").GetValue(gridModel, null); 
        var commitAddNewMethod = ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(addNewRowController.GetType(), "CommitAddNew"); 
        ReflectionHelper.Invoke(commitAddNewMethod, addNewRowController, new object[] { true }); 
        rowColumnIndex.RowIndex = this.sfDataGrid.GetAddNewRowIndex(); 
        if (this.sfDataGrid.AddNewRowPosition == RowPosition.Top) 
            rowColumnIndex.RowIndex = rowColumnIndex.RowIndex + 1; 
private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    if (this.sfDataGrid.View.IsAddingNew) 
        if (this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCell.IsEditing) 
        var gridModel = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty(typeof(SfDataGrid), "GridModel").GetValue(sfDataGrid, null); 
        var addNewRowController = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty(gridModel.GetType(), "AddNewRowController").GetValue(gridModel, null); 
        var cancelAddNewMethod = ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(addNewRowController.GetType(), "CancelAddNew"); 
        ReflectionHelper.Invoke(cancelAddNewMethod, addNewRowController, new object[] { }); 


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