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Treegrid not aligned


This is my tree grid

When I click on the plus (add)

The textboxes and headers go out of alignment

Normally when I upload the test file it doesn't work. I have uploaded it online - http://viewo.com/Test.aspx.zip

Attachment: Test.aspx_e5058589.zip

1 Reply

JA Jesus Arockia Sankaran S Syncfusion Team November 21, 2018 12:21 PM UTC

Hi David, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have analyzed your reported issue and attached sample. In your application, you had set the column width as zero to first two columns(PhilipsID, PhilipsMatrixDataID) and if you don’t need to show those columns in TreeGrid then we can set the columns.visible property value as false.  
Code Snippet: 
  <ej:TreeGrid ID="TreeGrid" ToolbarClick="toolbarClick" 
                    <ej:TreeGridColumn field="xxID"  HeaderText="PhilipsID" AllowEditing="false"  AllowFiltering="false" Visible="false"></ej:TreeGridColumn> 
                    <ej:TreeGridColumn Field="xxMatrixDataID" HeaderText="PhilipsMatrixDataID" AllowFiltering="False"  Visible="false" AllowEditing="False"></ej:TreeGridColumn> 
We insist you to make the above changes in your application to overcome the reported issue.  
Please get back to us if you require any further assistance on this. 
Jesus Arockia Sankaran S 

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