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How to accessing... From Symbol Object To Diagram

Hi~ there... I want to acess a Diagram or Parent Form of the Diagram from Sysmbol Object. How can I try it? I need your advice....

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2004 01:32 PM UTC

Sejong, There isn''t any way to access the control instance from the Diagram drawing entities. Essential Diagram uses the MVC architecture and the drawing objects are aware only of their Model, which in turn adheres to classic MVC requirements of remaining a true state engine and maintains no direct links to it''s viewport or controller. While an option here would be for your application to subclass the Diagram.Model class, and provide it with a custom property that is set to reference the host Control during initialization, this approach would be contrary to one of the central tenets of MVC. Far as possible, I would recommend that you modify your design so that your Symbol objects operate independent of their host control. Regards, Prakash

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