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Hi, Why am i getting an outofrange exception while trying to set a column to CheckBox. this.gridListControl1.DataSource = this.dataSet201.drivers; this.gridListControl1.DisplayMember = "Driver No"; this.gridListControl1.ValueMember = "Driver No"; this.gridListControl1.Grid.Model.ColStyles[2].CellType = "CheckBox"; or this.gridListControl1.Grid.Model.ColStyles["Called In"].CellType = "CheckBox"; tia

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 12, 2004 05:06 PM UTC

GridListControl is uses the embedded grid in a virtual manner. It does not allocate space for column styles. This is why you are getting this error. To provide a column style, subscribe to the gridListControl1.Grid.ModelQueryCellInfo event. There, if e.ColIndex points to your column, and e.RowIndex > 0, set e.Style.CellType (and maybe CheckBoxOptions as well).

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 12, 2004 06:10 PM UTC

thanks, but now the check boxes aren''t checked when the field value is true (or 1). i''m missing something... thanks

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 12, 2004 07:04 PM UTC

How have you set your CheckBoxOptions? To know how to set them, you can run the code without the CellType set to CheckBox. This will then show the values being used as true and false in the column. Then, add a line like: gridlistControl1.Grid.TableStyle.CheckBoxOptions = new GridCheckBoxCellInfo(trueValueString, falseValueString, "", true); You can set this in FormLoad. falseValueString and trueValueString are the values you see when you do not have the CellType set to checkbox.

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