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DataBound Grid vs Grouping Grid Control

BACKGROUND: We have a production application which uses one databound grid. The data originally comes from one denormalized flat database table. We actually had to split the table in order to display a two table master-detail hierarchial grid where we do our own simple aggregation (subtotals) for certain fields. CURRENT PROBLEM: Now, we need to add grouping and totaling functionality to the grid display and be able to handle deeper hierarchies as a result of new groupings. We will still get one denormalized flat table but with more fields added to it. User-defined grouping, while nice, is not essential as the application may handle a set of about 5 static grouping scenarios, maybe driven off a drop down list. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS? As I see it there are 3 ways to go forward and add grouping functionality to the current app, all of them seem to require rewriting code: 1. Rip out the DB grid and replace it with the new Grouping Control Grid. However all the currency manager functionality would break, new methodology and function names, saving\updating considerations etc... 2. Use the Grouping Engine and pump the processed data into the existing DataBound grid. The grouping would be quick but I would have to create table hierarchy\relations and add "phantom" summary rows to the DB Grids datasource in order to display totaling correctly (quite an undertaking). 3. Just do all the grouping and summary data in custom code...I think this would provide flexibility but would probably require the most coding and be the slowest performance wise. And it would include creating a lot of relational tables on my part in order to reproduce the deeper hierarchial groupings on the DB Grid. I think other Syncfusion DataBound Grid users have had to make this decision now that the Grid Grouping control is out. Any suggestions\advice would be appreciated?

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