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GDBGwithDropGrid with ExpandGrid effect

Hi Recently, I came across this GDBGwithDropGrid and ExpandGrid samples inside this Syncfusion Essential Suite Developer Center. I''m pretty fansinated by the flexibility of a Grid control and the way it can be "configured" in any way you like. So I decided to modify the GDBGwithDropGrid to have the ExpandGrid effect...but I fail to create it I wish the GDBGwithDropGrid to expand data within the cell itself rather than dropdown effect. So, is there anyone can help me on this ?? as I''m a novice in .NET programming. Thanks :)

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 29, 2004 09:46 AM UTC

I think this is doable, but will take significant effort. One strategy is to dynamically insert a covered row when you click teh expand button, and then remove the covered row when you close the dropdown. In the covered row, you could try displaying the grid using something lik eteh GridInCell sample. But I think there would be a lot of details that would have to be worked through. You might try using the 2.0 GridGroupingControl instead. It supposrtrs dropping nested tables in their own grids.

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