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DataBound Grid

I have a grid whose underlying datasource gets updates about 3 times/second. The grid is sorted. And as the updates flow the datarows shuffle around. If the user clicks on a row, I store the “key” related to that row so that when the datasource is updated, I can move the row and cell into view. this._dataGrid.CurrentCell.MoveTo(rowIndex, CurrentColIndex); this._dataGrid.ScrollCellInView(rowIndex, CurrentColIndex); this._dataGrid.LeftColIndex = LeftColIndex; . . . Restore any selected columns Model.Selections.Add. I let the application run in the background. When brought to the foreground, after while, the grid does not repaint. I have tried Invalidate and other approaches to get the grid to repaint. It does not work. The above code executes only if a user clicks on a row. If I bring up the app and do _not_ click on a row, do the same steps as above, the grid repaints no problem. Any suggestions? Thanks

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 29, 2004 08:13 AM UTC

Have you tried code such as this.ActiveControl = this.gridDataBoundGrid1; // here this is the parent form this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Focus(); to make sure the grid has focus when you bring it to the front.

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