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Hi I use a gridDataBoundGrid as a hierarchical grid with 2 datatables (in a dataset...) There is a relation between these tables...on 3 columns (a starting date, a finishing date, and a string called ''days'') I can modify theses columns in the parent, nut not in childs. The questions are : When I create a child, I want that ValuesParentKeys = ValuesChildKeys and When I modify the parent value key, I want to update the key of the related children with the same values. Is there a option in the datarelation to do this? thanks bye syl

3 Replies

SY Syl April 27, 2004 06:27 AM UTC

ok... in fact, it''s working good.... but there is still a refresh problem...(as i say in a post before.... http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=13300 ) is there a way to force the refresh? with the datarelation properties maybe? thanks bye syl

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 27, 2004 02:01 PM UTC

Hi Syl, You might try calling this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Binder.ResetHierarchyLevels(); Regards, Jay N

SY Syl April 27, 2004 02:21 PM UTC

It doesnt work Here is a exemple project with a user control and a form using it hierarchicalGrid_1313.zip the user control is a gdbg used as a hierarchical with 2 tables in a dataset (with datarelation) if you execute it... select a date for date1 select a date for date2 enter something for days clic on the button ADD child X times then modify date1, date2 or days then when you select a chil, it disappears T have a correct grid, you have to collapse and then expand the parent row.... thanks bye syl

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