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TileView tooltips

Hi Syncfusion Team

I try to implement tooltips into ej-tile, based on 

a.  <e-menu-item url="" text="Pengurusan Passport" image-url="../icon/home_icon.png">
b. <ej-tile id="tile6" image-position="@TileImagePosition.Center" tile-size="@TileSize.Medium"  text="Daftar Data Pengguna" mouse-down="AddUser"></ej-tile>

it is because when i'm using the tile-size=small; can't show the label of the  icon; so i plan to have the tooltips for the tile that has been used.

if you require more information please let me know.

Can you advice.


1 Reply

AP Arun Palaniyandi Syncfusion Team October 6, 2017 10:01 AM UTC

Hi Haryzad,   
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.   
We can implement the tooltip to the Tile view by giving the same id, if the TileView to the Tooltip. So, in this way we can implement the tooltip the Tileview and Menu.      

<div id="tilediv">  
    <ej-tile id="tile6" image-position="@TileImagePosition.Center" tile-size="@TileSize.Small" mouse-down="AddUser"></ej-tile>  
    <ej-tile id="tile7" tile-size="@TileSize.Medium"> </ej-tile>  
    <ej-tooltip id="tile6" content="Daftar Data Pengguna">  
    <ej-tooltip id="tile7" content="Map">  

We have also prepared a sample for both of your requirements i.e tooltip for menu and Tile below for your reference.   

Please check the shared sample and if the sample doesn’t meet your requirement, please send us more information so that we will provide a solution.           
Arun P.   

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