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[HELP] Require guidance for DataManager feature in Angular 4 and a Question for RangeNavigator

How to use the adapters (ODataAdaptor, JsonAdaptor and UrlAdaptor) from the DataManager? May I have a step-by-step guide for each adapters? 

I found out that this syncfusion version do not have a RangeNavigator available. Will it be implemented soon?

Thank you.

1 Reply

RU Ramdhas  Ueikattan Syncfusion Team September 29, 2017 12:02 PM UTC

Hi Dana, 

Query 1: How to use the adapters (ODataAdaptor, JsonAdaptor and UrlAdaptor) from the DataManager? May I have a step-by-step guide for each adapters?  
We have published documentation for Essential JS 2 Data Manager and please refer the below documentation link. 
Query 2: I found out that this syncfusion version do not have a RangeNavigator available. Will it be implemented soon? 

We have considered your requirement as feature and logged feature request for Range Navigator and it will be available in any of our upcoming Essential Studio release. 

Ramdhas U. 

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