Dashboard Grid format options

I have some points that I would like to know if they can be modified or if in the near future they will be available in the grid of the dashboard
1. Modify the colors and fonts of the headers
2. Modify the size of the font on the grid in general
3. To be able to modify the alignment in the cells
4. And in my most important case, exporting the grid to excel while retaining the format, it is not much use for a manager to export the data if it has no format and they have to do everything from 0

5 Replies

SE Sundarraj E Syncfusion Team September 26, 2017 03:05 PM UTC

Hi Everardo Reyes Hernandez, 

  1. Modify the colors and fonts of the headers
  2. Modify the size of the font on the grid in general
You can able to customize the colors and font in grid widget through the SDK sample level. For more information refer the link. And currently we do not have support to customize through the Dashboard Designer. 
Refer the below steps to customize colors and font of grid widget. 
  • Download and install the Dashboard SDK setup. For more information refer the link.
·       Open the “CustomThemeDemo” sample in the following location. 
                %localappdata%\Syncfusion\Dashboard\Samples\ASP.NET MVC  
·       Open “index.cs.html” file, here you can see the header font color and its font size have been customized in the grid widget 
·       Modified color will be shown in the grid widget.  
Please refer the following link for more details about “CustomThemeDemo” sample. 

Please refer the following link for more details about “Grid widget”. 
3. To be able to modify the alignment in the cells 
Please follow up with below incident 
4.  And in my most important case, exporting the grid to excel while retaining the format, it is not much use for a manager to export the data if it has no format and they have to do everything from 0 
Please follow up with below incident 


BE Basel Elias August 22, 2018 10:21 PM UTC

Is there an easier way to change it through the UI?

AB Arasuraja Balakrishnan Syncfusion Team August 23, 2018 10:45 AM UTC

Hi Basel, 
Yes, we will provide the UI in Dashboard Designer to customize the Size, fonts, color and alignment of Grid widget in our upcoming release which is expected to be rollout by the end of October 2018. 
We appreciate your patience. 

Arasuraja B 

PH Pedro Hernández August 30, 2018 02:25 PM UTC

I Waiting for that .... counting the days...

AB Arasuraja Balakrishnan Syncfusion Team August 31, 2018 05:24 AM UTC

Hi Pedro, 

Thanks for the interest. 

We will keep you inform once the Dashboard Platform v3.2 release roll out done from our end. 

Arasuraja B. 

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