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Can you catch the slide event of the navigation drawer?

When the navigationDrawer slides in and out I want to be able to catch that event and do something.  In some cases I want to prevent the drawer from closing onLostFocus.

Note:  I am using the accordion control inside of the navigation drawer instead of the normal list view so I can't catch the list view mouseUp event.  I need to be able to catch the slide event when I click somewhere on the page besides the drawer

2 Replies

DA dan September 16, 2017 10:58 PM UTC

I am trying to achieve the results in the attached animated gif.  This  would be similar to your javascript demo's page

Attachment: 20170916_185143_baf0669a.7z

SS Selvamani Sankarappan Syncfusion Team September 18, 2017 11:54 AM UTC

Hi Dan, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Query 1: When the navigationDrawer slides in and out I want to be able to catch that event and do something. 
You can trigger the event while clicking the accordion item using activate event of Accordion component. Also, if you don’t want to close the drawer, you can use isPaneOpen as true. Refer to the following code example: 
  $("#navpane").ejNavigationDrawer({ contentId: "content_container", type: "overlay", direction: "left", enableListView: true, listViewSettings: { width: 300, mouseUp: "headChange" }, position: "normal", isPaneOpen: true }); 
Refer to the following sample: 
Please check with the above sample and still you have any difficulties, kindly get back to us. we will be happy to help you. 
Selvamani S. 

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