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If you became a customer of the Syncfusion Reporting Platform or the Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer components before October 2019 and have questions related to those products, you can request support through our forum system. However, please note that this support system is only for existing customers who are still using the Syncfusion Reporting Platform or its components and not for new customers looking for reporting products from Syncfusion.

For new customers or those with general reporting questions, we recommend contacting our support team at https://support.boldreports.com/, which is a separate brand created by Syncfusion for its reporting solutions. Our team will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

Thank you for choosing Syncfusion for your reporting needs.

Sqlite as database in Report Designer

I would like to wether I can use sqlite Database in Report Designer.

6 Replies

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 15, 2017 01:20 PM UTC

Hi Sunil, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Components. 

We can use external datasource support to connect SQLite with our report designer and report viewer control. To achieve this, we must create new assembly by inheriting our IDataExtension interface to connect with any required data source types. Like the below code sample the DataExtension details must be mentioned in app.config for ReportDesigner and Report Viewer to use any type of data sources. 

    <section name="ReportingExtensions" type="Syncfusion.Reporting.Extensions,  Syncfusion.ReportControls.WPF" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" /> 
      <Extension Name="SQLite" Assembly="Syncfusion.Reporting.DataExtensions.Sqlite" Type="Syncfusion.Reporting.DataExtensions.Sqlite.SQLiteDataExtension" /> 

Also, we have prepared a document with details for creating data extension using SQLite and using the SQLite in our report designer and sample with SQLite DataExtension for report designer. It can be downloaded from the below location. 

Vinoth S. 

SM Sunil Motwani September 24, 2017 07:31 AM UTC

Thanks Vinoth Srinivasan for so quick reply,

I didn't seen yet my life..... Thanks again,

I would like to ask more.

If I create reports in your report Designer, do i have to install some of your products on Client's Machine also ? (Just like we do for Crystal Reports ) and if yes then please specify Why ? 

Sorry my question is totally irrelevant, bcoz, I am developing at my own.

And can you give that modified dll file. Please.... its an request.


EW Ewen Wallace replied to Vinoth Srinivasan August 13, 2020 05:54 AM UTC

Is it possible to make the document and extension links available to other members, or is there a newer way to use SQLite with the Report Designer? In my case in WPF.


MS Muthuramana Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team August 14, 2020 02:41 PM UTC

Hi Ewen, 

We have already provided the WPF sample of Report Designer and the document in our previous response. Please let us know about more details in specific about your requirement regarding your previous query. 

Also as per our plan of having the reporting components as separate from our Syncfusion Essential Studio, we have introduced Bold Reports from Syncfusion. Based on this migration, we will not have any further feature updates with Syncfusion Essential Studio reporting products from now onwards. So, you need to consider migrating the reporting components with Bold Reports libraries with changes in namespace and declarations for getting new feature updates. 

You can use your existing Essential Studio license to get our Report Viewer SDK from Bold Reports. Please find the details below, 
  1. You have to login with Bold Reports using Syncfusion account,
  1. Once you have logged in Bold Reports, if you are having eligible license to access of Report Viewer SDK then you will be able to get the Report Viewer SDK from downloads.

  1. Note: If you are having any problem to get the access of Report Viewer SDK with Bold Reports then you must contact sales team to provide more details about your license and direct you to get the Report Viewer SDK in Bold Reports.
  1. We have released Bold Reports with licensing, So, additionally you must register the license key in startup of your application as explained in below documentation,
Muthu Ramana S 

TD Tim Dong February 12, 2021 05:40 PM UTC


I am trying to connect sqlite to the Report Designer using the following data source, but cannot get the connection through:
Data Source=C:\Users\qd18830\source\repos\UnitQualityAssuranceMeasures\UnitQualityAssuranceMeasures\Database\test.db

Please could you make available the example solution for connecting report designer to sqlite to me 


MS Muthuramana Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team February 15, 2021 06:47 AM UTC

Hi Tim, 

As of now we do not have the inbuilt support with Bold Report Designer for SQL Lite datasource. However you can achieve this by adding the SQL Lite custom data extension with Report Designer. Please find the below steps to configure the report data extension for ASP.Net core Report Designer, 

Step1: Add the SQLite Extension project reference to our Bold Reports ReportDesigner sample as shown in below snap:    
Step2: Add the Configuration section in appConfig file as shown in below code example.    
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    
    <section name="ReportingExtensions" type="BoldReports.Configuration.Extensions, BoldReports.Web" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />    </configSections>    
      <Extension Name="SQLite" Assembly="BoldReports.DataExtensions.SQLite" Type="BoldReports.DataExtensions.SQLite.SQLiteDataExtension">  
          <Add Key="QueryDesignerEnabled" Value="false"/>    
          <Add Key="QueryFilterEnabled" Value="false"/>    
          <Add Key="QueryExpressionEnabled" Value="false"/>    
          <Add Key="QueryJoinerEnabled" Value="false"/>    
          <Add Key="QueryColumnEdit" Value="false"/>    
Step3: Add ReportDataExtensions in our index.cshtml file via ViewBag as shown in below code example. 
<bold-report-designer id="reportdesigner1" create="controlInitialized" service-url="../Home" report-data-extensions="@ViewBag.ReportDataExtensions">    
        public ActionResult Index()    
            ViewBag.ReportDataExtensions = new List<ReportDataExtensionsModule>();  
      var ReportDataExtension = new ReportDataExtensionsModule();  
      ReportDataExtension.Name = "SQLite";  
      ReportDataExtension.ClassName = "SQLiteDataSource";  
      ReportDataExtension.ImageClass = "e-reportdesigner-datasource-sqlite";  
      ReportDataExtension.DisplayName = "SQLite";  
            return View();    
Output snap:    
We have also prepared a sample for this. Please find the sample from below download link, 
Muthu Ramana S 

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