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Problems with positioning


i have problems positioning the picker. The picker is always at the right buttom of the emulator.
Also i don't see the header text. I have attached a screenshot.

Following code i have used:

 <Grid VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <RowDefinition Height="50"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="50"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="20*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>

        <Button x:Name="click"
                Text ="Popup Picker"

            HeaderText="Select a Date Range"

Please can you help me.
Thank you and greetings ...

Attachment: 15.09_b8133cb8.zip

7 Replies

ET Eswaran Thirugnanasambandam Syncfusion Team September 19, 2017 09:18 AM UTC

Hi Richard,

Thank you for Contacting Syncfusion Support.

A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account.

Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.

Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fsupport%2fdirecttrac%2fincidents/  
Eswaran AT. 

AF Austin Ford September 27, 2017 06:52 PM UTC

I have the same issue on the Android Emulator and do not currently have a physical Android device to test with.  The XAML and C# I am using is the Custom Date Picker from the online documentation.  I have tried a multitude of positioning options with the picker opening in Dialog mode and all have the same result.

ET Eswaran Thirugnanasambandam Syncfusion Team September 28, 2017 12:51 PM UTC

Hi Austin Ford,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We can reproduce the issue "picker is visible at the right side of the layout" from our side and we have fixed this issue. This fix is included in our Volume 3 Service pack 2 which is expected to be rolled out by the end of this week.

We will let you know once Volume 3 Service Pack 2 has been rolled out.

Eswaran AT.

ED Eduardo December 26, 2017 08:46 PM UTC


I have the same issue. I've created a MonthYear picker using SfPicker documentation but it always appears at left upper corner of my device. (See attached document).
I'm calling the picker from a three row grid.

Let me know if you nee more details.
Thanks in advance.

Attachment: Screenshot_20171226135519_9dc4159f.rar

VA Vinnalan Aravazhi Syncfusion Team December 27, 2017 12:49 PM UTC

Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We could reproduce the reported issue "SfPicker appears at left upper corner" from our side. A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


Vinnalan K A. 

JR Jassim Rahma January 19, 2018 08:31 PM UTC

I have the same problem..

I have the Grid but I want the SFPicker to be center on the screen not inside the Grid.

VA Vinnalan Aravazhi Syncfusion Team January 22, 2018 09:08 AM UTC

Hi Jassim,
Thanks for the update.
We have checked the reported issue "SfPicker appears at left upper corner" from our side and we are unable to reproduce the reported issue from our side. 
We have attached the sample and video, which we have checked the reported issue from our side. Please find the sample and video from the below link.
So, could you please provide below mentioned details,
1) Modified sample which replicates the reported issue.
2) Which Android version and device model reported issue gets occur.
It will help us to provide appropriate solution on this.
Vinnalan K A.

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