Regarding syncfusion assemblies Syncfusion.EJ.AspNet.Core.

I have created core web application project and added the reference for Syncfusion.EJ.AspNet.Core assembly in project.json file but getting an error
"NuGet Package Restore failed for one or more packages." and "The dependency Syncfusion.EJ.AspNet.Core >= 15.1600.0.33 could not be resolved."  
Please tell me where to get this assembly as i tried to add it through nuget package in visual studio 2015, but not found the package. Also added screen shot of the project.

1 Reply

SA Shameer Ali Baig Sulaiman Ali Baig Syncfusion Team September 14, 2017 10:53 AM UTC

Hi Gurudatt, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 

We have checked with your query. we suspect that the issue due to nuget package for ASPNET.Core not installed, properly. Please, check out the below Screenshot to install the Syncfusion ASPNet.Core package with your EJ version 15.1600.0.33. Please follow the steps to configure Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Nuget packages in your application.  

Query 2: Please tell me where to get this assembly as i tried to add it through nuget package in visual studio 2015, but not found the package. Also added screen shot of the project. 

You can find the ASP.NET Core NuGet packages from the below link: 

Step 1: After, creating your project, go to Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings -> Package Sources. 
Step 2: Create a new Package Source (Ex: Local package) to install Syncfusion Nuget package for ASP.NET Core platform. 

Step 3: Select Manage Nuget Packages for solution option to configure and install the Syncfusion Nuget Packages

Step 4: Select the Syncfusion Nuget Packages for Asp.Net core as per depicted in the below screenshot and install the online packages as depicted below.  


For your convenience, we have prepared a ASP.NET Core application in EJ version 15.1600.0.33.  

Please, refer the below link to install Nuget packages and configure Syncfusion controls in ASP.NET core web application.     

Also, you can make use of Sample Creator to create ASP.Net Core Sample application configured with Syncfusion controls. Refer the link below to know about Sample Creator. 


Shameer Ali Baig S. 

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