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model bind Control

<ej-rating id="Rating" read-only="false" ej-for="@Model.Feedback.Rating" value="@Model.Feedback.Rating"/>

How do I model bind this control?  ej-for is not an option in intellisense and renders as red when used.



1 Reply

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team September 11, 2017 11:35 AM UTC

Hi Karen,   
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.   
Currently, we don’t have ej-for support for Rating control but we can model bind the value through value property as shown below   
<ej-rating id="Rating" read-only="false" value="@Model.value"/>   
public class Rating   
    {  public int value { getset; }  }   
public IActionResult Index()   
            Rating model = new Rating();   
            model.value = 4;   
            return View(model);   
We have attached sample for your reference.   

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