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How to enable or disable a template column based on another template column

Hi Support:

I have a grid with two template colums.

The first template column consist of a checkbox as follows:

<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="selectTmpl">

    {{if Active}}
        <input id="Selected" name="Selected" type="checkbox" checked />
        <input id="Selected" name="Selected" type="checkbox"  />

The second template colum consist in a input textbox as follows:

<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="intervalTmpl">

    {{if Active}}
    <input id="amount" name="amount" type="number" value="{{:Amount}}"  />


We need that the input textbox will show only when the row has the checkbox as checked, otherwise the input should be hide.

How can I achieve that.

Thanks in advanced


3 Replies

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team September 5, 2017 12:03 PM UTC

Hi David, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We have achieved your requirement using same column template feature and bound the change of the checkbox input. In that change event, we can show or hide the input box based on that checkbox value. Please refer to the following code example, 

Code example: 
<ej-grid id="FlatGrid" allow-paging="true"   action-failure="actionFailure"> 
        <e-datamanager json="(IEnumerable<object>)ViewBag.datasource" update-url="NormalUpdate" insert-url="NormalInsert" remove-url="Home/NormalDelete" adaptor="remoteSaveAdaptor" /> 
        <e-edit-settings allow-adding="true" allow-editing="true" allow-deleting="true" edit-mode="@(EditMode.Normal)"></e-edit-settings> 
        <e-toolbar-settings show-toolbar="true" toolbar-items="@(new List<string>() {"add","edit","delete","update","cancel" })"></e-toolbar-settings> 
            .  .  . 
            <e-column template="#temp1" field="Verified"></e-column> 
            <e-column template="#temp2" field="EmployeeID"></e-column> 
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="temp1"> 
    {{if Verified}} 
    <input id="Verified" class="checkbox" name="Verified" type="checkbox" checked /> 
    <input id="Verified" class="checkbox" name="Verified" type="checkbox" /> 
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="temp2"> 
    @*here we can show or hide the input text box based on that checkbox value*@ 
    {{if Verified}} 
    <input id="EmployeeID" name="EmployeeID" type="number" value="{{:EmployeeID}}" /> 
    <input id="EmployeeID" name="EmployeeID" type="hidden" value="{{:EmployeeID}}" /> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(document).on("change", "input[name='Verified']", function () { 
        if (this.checked) { 
            $(this).parents('tr').find('input[name="EmployeeID"]').attr("type", "number"); //shown the input box dynamically change checkbox the value 
            $(this).parents('tr').find('input[name="EmployeeID"]').attr("type", "hidden"); //hide the input box dynamically change the checkbox value 

We have also prepared a sample based on your requirement which can be download from following link, 

Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

DS dsapo September 5, 2017 03:10 PM UTC

Hi Venkatesh:

Thanks for your support.  I have only one question.

Would be possible inside the  $(document).on("change", "input[name='Selected']", function () 

to get the underlying data row from the datasource to be able to read a particular value related with the  record whose checkbox was clicked.

For example suppose that we need to show the texbox after the checkbox is checked ONLY when a field named "AllowChange" that is in the datasource (not rendered in the grid) has a value of True.

Thanks again




VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team September 6, 2017 06:56 AM UTC

Hi David, 
Thanks for the update. 
Yes, we can get corresponding row details while check/uncheck the template column like as follows, 
Code example: 
$(document).on("change", "input[name='Verified']", function () { 
        var gridObj = $("#FlatGrid").ejGrid("instance"), row = $(this).parents('tr'), currentViewData = gridObj.getCurrentViewData(), index=gridObj.getIndexByRow(row); 
        var changedRowDetails = currentViewData[index];//here we can get the details of checked/unchecked the row details 
        if (this.checked) { 
            $(this).parents('tr').find('input[name="EmployeeID"]').attr("type", "number"); //shown the input box dynamically change checkbox the value 
            $(this).parents('tr').find('input[name="EmployeeID"]').attr("type", "hidden"); //hide the input box dynamically change the checkbox value 
Help documentation: 
1)      CurrentViewData: https://help.syncfusion.com/api/js/ejgrid#methods:getcurrentviewdata 
2)      row index: https://help.syncfusion.com/api/js/ejgrid#methods:getindexbyrow 
Based on that row values you may check the condition and show/hide the textbox template column.  
Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

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