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Hi Guys,

I am trying to use validations as per documentation but no luck i am using Asp.net Core 2 and Grid control

@using Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models

    ViewBag.Title = "Brand Grid";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<br />
<div id="ControlRegion">
    <ej-grid id="BrandGrid"
             allow-grouping="true" group-settings="@(new GroupSettings() {GroupedColumns = new List<string>() {"BrandId"}})"
             allow-filtering="true" filter-settings="@(new FilterSettings() {FilterType = FilterType.Excel})"
             allow-row-drag-and-drop="true" row-drop-settings="@(new RowDropSettings() {DropTargetID = "#BrandGrid"})"

        <e-datamanager json="ViewBag.branddatasource" update-url="Brand/Update" insert-url="Brand/Insert" remove-url="Brand/Delete" adaptor="remoteSaveAdaptor" />
        <e-toolbar-settings show-toolbar="true" toolbar-items=@(new List<string> {"add", "edit", "delete", "update", "cancel"}) />
        <e-edit-settings allow-adding="true" allow-editing="true" allow-deleting="true" edit-mode="@(EditMode.Normal)"></e-edit-settings>
        <e-context-menu-settings enable-context-menu="true"></e-context-menu-settings>
            <e-column field="BrandId" width="35" visible="false" is-primary-key="true"></e-column>
            <e-column field="BrandName" header-text="Name" width="120" text-align="Left" tooltip="#colTip" css-class="edmund" clipmode="EllipsisWithTooltip"></e-column>
            <e-column field="BrandDescription" header-text="Description" text-align="Left" width="150" css-class="edmund" tooltip="#colTip" clipmode="EllipsisWithTooltip" validation-rules='@(new Dictionary<string,object> {{"required",true}})'></e-column>

<script type="text/template" id="colTip">

<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
    .edmund {
        font-family: Lora;
        font-size: 11px;

    .edmund1 {
        margin-left: 10px;

    .ej-grid .ej-gridheader { /* grid header font color and styles*/
        font-family: Lora;
        font-size: 11px;

I have attached code, thanks in advance


Edmund Herbert

2 Replies

EH Edmund Herbert September 4, 2017 11:44 AM UTC

Hi sorry i found another thread that had example that worked

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team September 5, 2017 04:08 AM UTC

Hi Edmund, 

Thanks for the update. 

We are very happy to hear that your requirement is achieved. 

Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

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