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Binding GridComboBoxColumn CellTemplate to ItemsSource

Hello together,

I don't get my Subject working, can sb helpf me with the following code?

<syncfusion:GridComboBoxColumn x:Name="Angebot_KundeColumn" MappingName="Angebot_Kunde" HeaderText="Kunde Nachname" SelectedValuePath="Kunde_ID" ItemsSource="{StaticResource KundenView}" >
                            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                                <Label Content="{Binding Kunde_Nachname}"></Label>
                                <Label Content=" - "></Label>
                                <Label Content="{Binding Kunde_Vorname}"></Label>

Why is "Binding Kunde_Nachname" and "Binding Kunde_Vorname" not working? With DisplayMemberPath everything works fine.

Thanks for ur help.

Best regards

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