Hi Martin,
Query 1:
I have set some Holiday days in Gantt Control, now some of them are only to highlite the holidays
If I have set those days, I am not able to select the day in the adddialog off Gantt, is there a way to override this behaviour in general or per day?
It is not possible to select the days in add/edit dialog which lies on holidays, since the task cannot start or end in a holiday. If your requirement is to highlight a day, then we suggest you to use strip lines in Gantt. Strip lines are used to define important events in a project and it can be defined similar to holidays.
Please find the following online sample for Strip lines.
Unlike holidays, you can able to select the days in add/edit dialogs for the days defined for striplines.
Query 2: some of them are only foe 1/2 days.
Currently there is no support for providing changing the duration of a holiday in Gantt. And a holiday should be defined for 1 day only. We have logged a Feature Request for “Duration support in Holidays of Gantt” and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. Please let us know if you require further assistance on this.
John R