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SfPdfViewer on top of SfRotator

Hello! I am having a difficult time trying to put a pdf on the SfRotator. I'd like to be able to put the SfPdfViewer "on top of" the SfRotator instead of putting an image. Is this possible?

3 Replies

RB Rabhia Beham Kathar Mideenar Syncfusion Team August 30, 2017 11:25 AM UTC

Hi Simon Haile, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

Query: Put a pdf on the SfRotator instead of putting an image.  

We have prepared a sample in which we have added SfPdfViewer instead of image in SfRotator. Please find the sample from the below link.

Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/132386/ze/PdfRotator12030082811 

While preparing a sample, we have faced an issue "SfRotator swiping not working when rotator item as PdfViewer" at our side and we have logged an issue report for this. This issue fix will be available in our upcoming Vol 3 SP1 release, which will be rolled out by the first week of september, 2017.

Rabhia Beham K. 

SH Simon Haile August 30, 2017 09:08 PM UTC

Hi Rabhia Beham Kathar Mideenar,

Thank you for your prompt assistance with this. Unfortunately, the sample I've received does not build on my end.

The iOS project has this build error:

/Users/simonh/Downloads/PdfRotator1 2/PdfRotatorTest/iOS/AppDelegate.cs(28,28): Error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'SfPdfViewer' does not exist in the namespace 'Syncfusion' (are you missing an assembly reference?) (CS0234) (PdfRotatorTest.iOS)

When I attempt to update the SfPdfViewer, the build error disappears but the pdf no longer shows up on the rotator.

The Android project has 7 build errors and the following warning:

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/5.2.0/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5,5): Warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Syncfusion.SfRotator.Android". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors. (MSB3245) (PdfRotatorTest.Droid)

I have tried this on two machines (both Mac) with no luck. Please advise.

With thanks,


HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team August 31, 2017 01:39 PM UTC

Hi Simon,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Query: SfRotator swiping not working when rotator item as PdfViewer

As promised earlier, "SfRotator swiping not working when rotator item as PdfViewer " issue fix has been included in Volume 3 Service pack 1 release. Our Essential Studio Volume 3 Service Pack 1, 2017 (Version is rolled out and is available for download under the following link.


Query : Failed on Xamarin.Forms Android

We have checked that sample. The reported issue because of not adding Syncfusion.SfRotator.Android packages. The reported issue has been fixed by adding native android packages.

Query : Empty view on Xamrin.Forms iOS

We have checked the reported issue in iOS. We were able to reproduce the reported issue. The fix of reported issue will be available in our upcoming Volume 3 Service Pack 2 release which is expected to be rolled out by the end of September 2017.

Hemalatha M.

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