.ClientSideEvents(cs =>
<script type="text/javascript">
function load(args) {
var columns = this.getColumns();
//Change the edittype of field you want.
columns[4].editType = "stringedit";
//Event trigger at the dialog edit
function ActionBegin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "openEditDialog") {
$("#"+this._id+"taskNameEdit").css('width', '150px');
if (args.requestType == "OpenAddDialog") {
$("#"+this._id+"taskNameAdd").css('width', '150px');
</script> |
<script type="text/javascript">
function load(args) {
// Method to change the notes value of datasource.
//Update the notes value of parent tasks.
function changeNotesVal(args) {
var data = args.model.dataSource;
for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
var ganttRec = data[index];
if (data[index].notes) {
var decodedvalue = decodeHtml(data[index].notes);
data[index].notes = decodedvalue;
if (data[index].SubTasks) {
// Update the notes value of child tasks.
function updateChildNotes(record) {
var childRecords = record[0].SubTasks,
length = childRecords.length,
count, currentRecord;
for (count = 0; count < length; count++) {
currentRecord = childRecords[count];
if (currentRecord.notes) {
var decodedvalue = decodeHtml(currentRecord.notes);
currentRecord.notes = decodedvalue;
if (currentRecord.SubTasks) {
// Decode the notes text to Html.
function decodeHtml(html) {
var txt = document.createElement("textarea");
txt.innerHTML = html;
return txt.value;
</script> |
<script type="text/javascript">
//Event trigger at the dialog edit
function ActionBegin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "openEditDialog") {
if (args.requestType == "OpenAddDialog") {
//... $("#"+this._id+"AddTab").find("li:eq(2)").find("a").text("ChangedCustomColName");
} }
</script> |
<script type="text/javascript">
//Event trigger at the dialog edit
function ActionBegin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "beforeOpenEditDialog") {
var tabObj = $("#"+this._id+"EditTab").data("ejTab");
// Add new tab items with given list
tabObj.addItem("#tabtemplate", "New Item", 4, "e-link","newItem");
$("#newItem").append("<div id='tabtemplate'>Custom Tab Field : <input class='e-field e-ejinputtext' id='GanttContainerCustomTabColEdit' /></div>");
if (args.data && args.data.item && args.data.item.CustomTabCol) {
//read value from custom new tab
if (args.requestType == "save") {
args.currentRecord.item.CustomTabCol = args.data.CustomTabCol = $("#tabtemplate").find('input').val();
</script> |
Hello, Suriyaprasanth
I am very grateful for the solution you provided, it's very helpful and solved most of issues.
But I want add a issue about hide the TaskID property.
Not only at the left Column, but also at the Tab Predecessors in Task Information Popup page.
I guess the default Task Name value's rule is obj.taskID + "-" + obj.taskName, and I want it also hide the ID just display the taskName only.
I have already tried this Url demo code:
Function load (args) {
Var ganttObj = $ ("# GanttContainer"). Data ("ejGantt");
GanttObj.hideColumn ("Task Name");
But the gantt page will not load success.
I want do this because of the TaskID may be very messy after some Tasks deleted, added, or adjusted.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards.
.ClientSideEvents(cs =>
<script type="text/javascript">
function load(args) {
var columns = this.getColumns();
columns[0].visible = false;
</body> |
.ClientSideEvents(cs =>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Event trigger at the dialog edit
function ActionBegin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "openEditDialog") {
var predecessorTreeGridObj = $("#treegridGanttContainerpredecessorEdit").ejTreeGrid('instance'), columns = [];
$.extend(columns, predecessorTreeGridObj.model.columns);
columns[0].visible = false; // Hide the ID column from predecessor tab
predecessorTreeGridObj.setModel({ "columns": columns });
if (args.requestType == "OpenAddDialog") {
var predecessorTreeGridObj = $("#treegridGanttContainerpredecessorAdd").ejTreeGrid('instance'), columns = [];
$.extend(columns, predecessorTreeGridObj.model.columns);
columns[0].visible = false; // Hide the ID column from predecessor tab
predecessorTreeGridObj.setModel({ "columns": columns });
</body> |
.ClientSideEvents(cs =>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Event trigger at the dialog edit
function ActionBegin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "beforeOpenAddDialog") {
args.data.TaskName = "New Task"; // Change the newly added task Name value.
if (args.requestType == "openEditDialog") {
var predecessorTreeGridObj = $("#treegridGanttContainerpredecessorEdit").ejTreeGrid('instance'), columns = [];
$.extend(columns, predecessorTreeGridObj.model.columns);
// Remove the ID from task name.
predecessorTreeGridObj.setModel({ "columns": columns });
if (args.requestType == "OpenAddDialog") {
var predecessorTreeGridObj = $("#treegridGanttContainerpredecessorAdd").ejTreeGrid('instance'), columns = [];
$.extend(columns, predecessorTreeGridObj.model.columns);
// Remove the ID from task name.
predecessorTreeGridObj.setModel({ "columns": columns });
function updatePredecessorDropDown(columns) {
var dropDownArray = columns[1].dropdownData;
for (var x = 0; x < dropDownArray.length; x++) {
var text = dropDownArray[x].text;
dropDownArray[x].text = text.slice(text.indexOf("-") + 1, text.length);
</body> |
Hello, Suriyaprasanth
Thanks for the demo project, it really solved the issues.
Best regards,