DatePicker widget: Auto-Set to Active Month

Is it possible to auto-set DatePicker widget to Active Month?


1 Reply

RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team August 18, 2017 12:41 PM UTC

Hi Ilya, 

Yes, we can achieve auto display of Active month in datepicker using Relative dates support in Dashboard application . Please refer the following UG link to enable Relative dates in Datepicker. 

After enabling Relative dates, follow the below steps to achieve your requirement. 

  1. Choose “Current” and “Month(s)” option in Relative Date Options window.
  1. Click “Add” to include the relative date option.
  2. Click “Apply”, then configured relate date option will be listed in Datepicker widget.
  3. Click on calendar icon and select “Current Month” to display in calendar.
  1. To view dates of current month, go to “Custom”.
  1. Dates in calendar will be enabled if the connected datasource contains data for current month. Otherwise, you can enable dates in calendar by disabling “Limit Dates” property in properties tab.
Please let us know, if you have any queries. 

Renuka N. 

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