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Adding Swimlane to Diagram

I would like to know how to add a swimlane into the page via the aspx.cs page to load the swimlane at runtime.

I have been able to load nodes by creating them and subsequently adding them to the page via the following code:


What is the way I can add a swimlane similarly?

1 Reply

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team August 16, 2017 09:37 AM UTC

Hi Deshan, 
We have created a swimlane sample in which we have rendered the swimlane in symbol palette and the diagram. please refer to the sample below. 
  • Also please refer to the MVC help documentation below in which we have shown how to create a swimlane in class file. By the same way, you can create it in aspx.cs page.
  • But adding a swimlane in nodes collection differs in MVC and ASP.NET, please refer to the code example below in which we have shown how to add a swimlane in nodes collection in ASP.NET.
      Code example: 
      Aspx.cs page 
           //create swimlane 
            SwimLane swimlane = new SwimLane(); 
            swimlane.Type = "swimlane"; 
            swimlane.Name = "swimlane"; 
            //append swimlane in nodes collection 
Shyam G 

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