Hi Truth,
Thanks for using Syncfusion product.
This method can be only used to replace the old appointment by new appointment in ScheduleControl which has not accessed in source. Please refer to the below code example,
Code example
if (this.scheduleControl1.ItemSelected && this.scheduleControl1.GetScheduleHost().SelectedAppointments.Count>0)
foreach (IScheduleAppointment item in this.scheduleControl1.GetScheduleHost().SelectedAppointments)
IScheduleAppointment newAppointment = scheduleProvider.NewScheduleAppointment();
newAppointment.Subject = "New appointment";
newAppointment.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
newAppointment.EndTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
newAppointment.LabelValue = 3;
newAppointment.MarkerValue = 2;
scheduleProvider.SaveModifiedItem(newAppointment, item);
} |
Mohanraj G