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DiagramBuilder Forms sample not working

Just downloaded Syncfusion Essentials and wanted to play around with the Diagram Builder sample shipped with the installation however I am getting an error stating that "Syncfusion.Xamarin.SfDiagram" is not available in this source under Nuget Package Manager.
Can anyone help me?
I'm on version Syncfusion

Thank you

2 Replies

XA XamDevDave August 12, 2017 01:03 PM UTC

Found the answer, Nuget packages are installed to a location that was not reflected in my Nuget Package manager correctly.

The location on my computer for Xamarin was "C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS PROFILE NAME]\AppData\Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\\Xamarin\nuget".

Go up to folder and choose your poison for other technologies.

XamDev Dave

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team August 14, 2017 11:47 AM UTC

Hi Dave, 
Thank you for using Syncfusion Products. 
We are glad to know that the reported issue has been resolved at your end. Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this. 
Devaraj S    

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