sfSchedule.setScheduleTappedListener(new SfSchedule.scheduleTappedListener() {
public void onScheduleTapped(Object o, Calendar calendar, ScheduleAppointmentCollection scheduleAppointmentCollection, ScheduleAppointment scheduleAppointment) {...}
schedule.CellTapped += Schedule_CellTapped;
void Schedule_CellTapped(object sender, CellTappedEventArgs e)
{ var selectedDaeTime = e.Date; var appointment = e.SelectedAppointment; } |
Hi Subburaj,
Thank you very much for the help and support in answering my question.
I have used Synfusion on the native platform of Android and iOS native and would have to be able to find a native iOS solution in Swift 3 language. In the online documentation I could not find anything about it.
Although they no longer support native platforms, I would appreciate some info or advice on this.
For future applications, I will follow your advice and use Xamarin for both platforms.
Thank you very much again, regards.
-(void) schedule:(SFSchedule *)schedule didSelectDate:(NSDate *)date appointments:(NSArray *)appointments
// perform required functions
Hi Subburaj,
Thank you very much for your help, it has been very useful to me.