I thought that I created a workaround for this. I added a function to be called after the action of saving is completed. It looks like this:
function ActionCompleted(args) {
if (args.requestType == "save") {
var gridObj = $("#MultiplesImputacionesGrid").data("ejGrid");
But it DOESN'T WORK. It does a real mess. When I click the last row (the second row), the value of the cell change itself to the value of the top cell (the first row) and when I edit that second row, it actually edits the cell of the first row.
Refreshing the grid content doesn't help. This is a real mess!! OMG haven't anyone reported this??
Ok I investigated more and I think I found the reason why it doesn't work for me, even if I define a primary key. Understanding why, is even more frustrating.
First, I needed new rows to be added at the bottom of the grid, not above. Suggested by you in this thread, I have the following .js code that is the workaround and to the job:
if (args.requestType == "save") {
this.model.dataSource.shift();// Remove the newly added record from first position
this.model.dataSource.push(args.data)// Push the newly added record in data source
Now, that does the job of putting rows at the bottom of the grid when they are saved, but that code is also the problem why I can't edit in my grid properly, even if I add a primary key. If I just comment or remove that code, adding a primary key resolves the problem of not been able to edit correctly.
Again, I can edit if I add the primary key to the grid, but only if I delete the code that I need for the rows to be moved at the bottom of the grid when saved. Damn, what should I do so BOTH THINGS work properly??? Little bit frustrated here. Help!
Thank you
Sooooooooooooo?? Someone is kinda desperate here!
Thank you!
I solved everything with some logic. I have some threads alive in this forum searching for ways to do some things. This codes resumes everything working well. I needed to add some custom logic to it in order to work properly.
var RecordJustAdded = false;
var InfraccionData = [
{ id: "Primera", text: "Primera" },
{ id: "Segunda", text: "Segunda" },
{ id: "Tercera", text: "Tercera" },
{ id: "Cuarta", text: "Cuarta" },
{ id: "Quinta", text: "Quinta" },
{ id: "Sexta", text: "Sexta" },
{ id: "Septima", text: "Séptima" },
{ id: "Octava", text: "Octava" },
{ id: "Novena", text: "Novena" },
{ id: "Decima", text: "Décima" }
function ActionBegin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "save") {
if (RecordJustAdded) {
var index = this.model.dataSource.length - 1;
if (index == -1) {
args.data.InfraccionId = 1;
else {
args.data.InfraccionId = this.model.dataSource[index].InfraccionId + 1
else if (args.requestType == "cancel") {
RecordJustAdded = false
function ActionCompleted(args) {
if (args.requestType == "add") {
$("#" + this._id + "Infraccion").ejDropDownList({
dataSource: InfraccionData,
field: { text: "text", value: "text" },
width: "100%"
RecordJustAdded = true;
if (args.requestType == "save" && RecordJustAdded) {
this.model.dataSource.shift();// Remove the newly added record from first position
this.model.dataSource.push(args.data)// Push the newly added record in data source
RecordJustAdded = false;
Please refer to this thread in order to understand what that "RecordJustAdded" variable does.
.Columns(col =>
var RecordJustAdded = false;
var InfraccionData = [
{ id: "Reims", text: "Reims" },
{ id: "Lyon", text: "Lyon" },
{ id: "Charleroi", text: "Charleroi" },
{ id: "Bern", text: "Bern" },
{ id: "Resende", text: "Resende" },
{ id: "UK", text: "UK" },
{ id: "USA", text: "USA" },
{ id: "Berlin", text: "Berlin" },
{ id: "Belgium", text: "Belgium" },
{ id: "Graz", text: "Graz" }
function begin(args) {
if (args.requestType == "save" && this.element.find(".gridform").parents("tr").hasClass("e-addedrow")) {
var index = this.model.dataSource.length - 1;
args.data.OrderID = this.model.dataSource[index].OrderID + 1;
RecordJustAdded = true;
function complete(args) {
if (args.requestType == "add") {
$("#" + this._id + "ShipCity").ejDropDownList({
dataSource: InfraccionData,
field: { text: "text", value: "text" },
width: "100%"
if (args.requestType == "save" && RecordJustAdded) {
this.model.dataSource.shift();// Remove the newly added record from first position
this.model.dataSource.push(args.data)// Push the newly added record in data source
RecordJustAdded = false;
</script> |