Example: serie.Values = chart.ChartData[1, 2, 1, 3]. Here the category values are [ 1, 2 ] and [ 1 , 3 ] |
IPresentationChart chart = slide.Charts.AddChart(150, 100, 300, 125);
chart.ChartType = OfficeChartType.Column_Stacked;
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 1, "4355");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(2, 1, "4356");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(3, 1, "4357");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(4, 1, "4358");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(5, 1, "4359");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 2, "6");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(2, 2, "7");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(3, 2, "8");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(4, 2, "9");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(5, 2, "10");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 3, "11");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(2, 3, "12");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(3, 3, "13");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(4, 3, "14");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(5, 3, "15");
// Set data range, Title and category settings
chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.CategoryType = OfficeCategoryType.Category;
chart.ChartTitle = "";
chart.ChartArea.Fill.Transparency = 0.5;
IOfficeChartSerie serie = chart.Series.Add("date1");
//selecting data from first row second column to fifth row second column
serie.Values = chart.ChartData[1, 2, 5, 2];
serie.SerieType = OfficeChartType.Column_Stacked;
IOfficeChartSerie serie2 = chart.Series.Add("date2");
//selection data from first row third column to fifth row third column
serie2.Values = chart.ChartData[1, 3, 5, 3];
serie2.SerieType = OfficeChartType.Column_Stacked;
chart.PlotArea.Layout.ManualLayout.Height = 0.9;
chart.PlotArea.Layout.ManualLayout.Width = 1;
chart.PlotArea.Layout.ManualLayout.Left = 0;
chart.PlotArea.Layout.ManualLayout.Top = 0;
chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.CategoryLabels = chart.ChartData[1, 1, 5, 1];
chart.Legend.IncludeInLayout = true;
chart.HasLegend = false; |
That worked perfect. The other question is how to get the columns to show their value on the chart. I've got that to work before with single columns, but with the stacked it seems to break the presentation.
I'm using the following code.
serie.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue = true;
serie.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.Position = OfficeDataLabelPosition.Outside;
serie.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.NumberFormat = "0";
serie.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.Bold = true;
I figured it out. You can't use "outside" with a Stacked Chart. I switched it so that the bottom value uses "Center" and the top value uses "Inside" and it got close to what I was looking for.