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formatting numbers

I''m having a problem formatting decimals. I want the right-most decimals to not be zero-suppressed. I want 1.50 to print with the zero at the end. The number of decimal positions can vary so I need to control this at run-time. Any suggestions? Also, I''m having problems right-justifying text in columns at runtime. I have the textalign.right turned ''on'' for the columnstyle. What else do I need to set to make it work? Also, I want text to overlap blank cells next to it. The colstyle has word-wrap turned ''off'', trimming set to ''none'' and floatcell turned ''on'', what else do I need to set to make it work. THANKS!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 22, 2004 06:39 AM UTC

To format numbers with required use a formatting string such as "#.00" to show required decimal places. One other point is that you alos need to set the CellValueType. You can set these values at runtime //grid is a GridControl this.grid[2,2].Format = "#.00"; this.grid[2,2].CellValueType = typeof(double); //grid is a GridDataBoundGrid this.grid.Binder.InternalColumns[2].StyleInfo.Format = "#.00"; this.grid.Binder.InternalColumns[2].StyleInfo.CellValueType = typeof(double); If you have added GridBoundColumns, then use those instead of the Binde.InternalColumns member. TextAligned is used to place text in relation to buttons. To set the cell''s horizontal alignment, use the HorizontalAlignment property instead. Two things on the float cells, you also need to set the grid''s FloatCellsMode property, maybe this.gridControl1.FloatCellsMode = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridFloatCellsMode.OnDemandCalculation; and the adjacent cell must be empty. You cannot float over an occupied cell.

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