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Data Binding with remote REST API (Dreamfactory)


First, let me thank you for providing this wonderful product.

I need to connect a javascript ejGrid with a remote Dreamfactory API server (https://www.dreamfactory.com). According to your documentation, this seems to be a question of minutes. I must be pretty bad, because I think a already tried for 30 hours now without much success. I think that your documentation is really incomplete re remote binding ! Therefore, I decided to ask for your help...

The Dreamfactory REST API is very easy and clear to connect to and CRUD data. 

a) Create a new user session, by sending a POST to /user/session with an object containing "email, password, duration" in the body.

After having tried a few hours with a datamanager without success, I decided to go for a direct $.ajax request, which is now working and bringing back the needed session_token.

$.ajax(dreamfactoryConnection.loginUrl, {
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json",
    data: JSON.stringify(credentials),
    success: function(response){
    error: function(e){

b) CRUD data from the Dreamfactory API :
The Dreamfactory API is very well structured and clear :
- To retrieve one or more records, send a GET request to _table/{table_name}
- To delete one or more records, send a DELETE request to _table/{table_name} with the body containing the ids to delete.
- To update one or more records, send a PATCH request to _table/{table_name} with the body containing a single record containing name-value pairs of fields to update.
- To create one or more records, send a POST request to _table/{table_name} with the body containing name-value pairs of records to create.
- To replace one or more records, send a PUT request to _table/{table_name} with the body containing name-value pairs of records to update.

The header of all requests must contain the session_token and apikey in the header, and if a body is requested (all except GET), then the data has to be encapsulated inside a "resource" array { "resource": [ { "id": 0 } ] }

I am able to fetch data from Dreamfactory through an ej.UrlAdaptor, where I modifiy the response and update the verb "POST" into "GET", but I cannot achieve to create, update and delete data. I need your help...

Here is my code :

     var method = "read";

    var myCustomAdaptor = new ej.UrlAdaptor().extend({
        processResponse: function (data, ds, query, xhr, request, changes) {
            response = {
                count : data.resource.length,
                result: data.resource
            return response;
        beforeSend: function (request, settings) {
            settings.setRequestHeader("X-DreamFactory-Api-Key", dreamfactoryConnection.apikey);
            settings.setRequestHeader("X-DreamFactory-Session-Token", dreamfactoryConnection.session_token );
            if (method == "read"){
                settings.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-METHOD", "GET");
            } else if (method == "delete"){
                settings.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-METHOD", "DELETE");
            } else if (method == "update"){
                settings.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-METHOD", "PATCH");
            } else if (method == "create"){
                settings.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-METHOD", "POST");
            } else if (method == "replace"){
                settings.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-METHOD", "PUT");
            } else {
                settings.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-METHOD", "GET");

    var myDataManager = ej.DataManager({
        url: "http://.../_table/tb_articles",
        crossDomain: true,
        adaptor: new myCustomAdaptor()

    var myGrid = $("#ArticleGrid").ejGrid({
        dataSource: myDataManager,
        columns: [
        actionFailure: function(args) {
            alert(args.error.status + " : " + args.error.statusText);
        allowPaging: true,
        allowFiltering: true,
        allowSorting: true,
        allowResizing: true,
        editSettings: { allowEditing: true },
        actionBegin: function (args){
            if(args.requestType == "save"){
                method = "update"

Thanks in advance to give me a working solution.
Best regards.

1 Reply

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team July 27, 2017 04:34 PM UTC

Hi Stadelmann, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

To use CRUD operations with DataManager, kindly refer to the following KB link: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/3381/how-to-save-data-in-server-while-batch-editing-is-enabled 

Kindly refer to the following UG link: https://help.syncfusion.com/js/datamanager/cruddataoperations 

Also check our RemoteSaveAdaptor for CRUD operations: https://help.syncfusion.com/js/datamanager/data-adaptors#remotesave-adaptor 


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