Hi Jonathan Nock,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
If you haven’t followed please follow all the steps in the above-mentioned link and create it.
If you have followed all the steps please do the below mention steps to trouble shoot the created app service.
If App Service created in File Storage type follow the below steps.
- Login to Azure portal: https://portal.azure.com.
- Select App Services.
- Select the existing Syncfusion Report Server Site then click on Get publish profile and Stop Azure App service.
- Save the <App service name>.PublishSettings file and open it.
- The file contains 2 <publishProfile> sections for Web Deploy and FTP.
- From the FTP <publishProfile> section copy the following values:
- publishUrl
- userName
- userPWD
- Use these credentials in an FTP client FileZilla, simply plug these values into the Host, Username, and Password fields as shown here and click on Quickconnect.
- Navigate to “/site/wwwroot/App_Data/Configuration” in the remote site and delete all the files in that location.
- Now start the Azure app service and proceed the startup steps.
If App Service created in Azure Blob Storage type follow the below steps.
- Login to Azure portal: https://portal.azure.com
- Select App Services.
- Select the existing Syncfusion Report Server Site then Stop Azure App service.
- Get Storage account name that is created and linked to the Report Server App Service.
- Select Application Settings in the left panel of the Report Server App Service.
- In the App setting section, you can find the storage account name.
- Now open that Storage account and Select Blob in the over view section now navigate to “syncfusionreportcontainer/Syncfusion/Report Server/Configuration” and delete all the files in that location.
- Now start the Azure app service and proceed the startup steps.
Syncfusion Report Server supports Basic, Standard and Premium App Service plans in the Azure. The minimum recommended App Service plan to run the application is the Basic plan.
To get better performance, we can scale up the App Service plan from Basic to Standard or Premium plans. Please find the below documentation links on how to scale up and scale out the application below.
Raj kumar