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How to Use IPivotTable's PivotEngineValues Property.

I am using XlsxIO to build my WinFormApp, and some problems confuse me. I know that the PivotTable has a property called PivotEngineValues, and I create a pivot table in a worksheet. When I check the PivotEngineValues property, It is NULL. Sorry to say that I don't Know how to use it, seems that PivotEngineValues property has many useful properties and methods to help to customize the pivot table, but it is NULL during the runtime. How to instantiate it, or get an instance of it.Do you guys have some sample code? Thank you very much.

1 Reply

SS Sridhar Sukumar Syncfusion Team July 18, 2017 12:58 PM UTC

Hi Kevin, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
You can get the PivotEngineValues property by setting layout to pivot table. Please refer the following code example to set layout for pivot table. 
Code snippet: 
Please let us know if you have any concern. 

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