<script id="hdrTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div class="hdrR hdrBox" data-day="{{>~formatDay(date)}}" data-date="{{>~formatD(date)}}">{{>~formatDay(date)}}</div>
height: calHt,
allowDragAndDrop: false,
showCurrentTimeIndicator: false,
showAppointmentNavigator: false,
enableAppointmentResize: false,
isDST: true,
showLocationField: false,
showAllDayRow: false,
showTimeScale: false,
showQuickWindow: false,
timeScale: {enable: false},
cellHeight: "21px",
cellWidth: cellWd,
dateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy",
currentDate: sysUI.currDate,
enablePersistence: false,
enableRecurrenceValidation: false,
firstDayOfWeek: "Monday",
orientation: "horizontal",
views: ["Day","Week"],
currentView: ej.Schedule.CurrentView.Week,
tooltipSettings: {enable: false},
dateHeaderTemplateId: "#hdrTemplate",
appointmentTemplateId: "#apptTemplate",
appointmentSettings: {
dataSource: [],
id: "ID",
title: "title",
subject: "subject",
startTime: "startTime",
endTime: "endTime",
description: "desc",
allDay: "allDay",
location: "location",
resourceFields: "ownerId"
create: 'calLoad',
actionComplete: 'calLoad',
beforeAppointmentRemove: function(args){return false;},
appointmentClick: function(args){return false;},
appointmentWindowOpen: function(args){return false;},
appointmentHover: function(args){return false;},
cellDoubleClick: function(args){return false;},
cellClick: function(args){return false;}
I've also noticed that if I don't use my own header, or don't specify a cell width then it seems to work ok. Only when I set the cellWidth variable does it seem to trigger this issue
I downloaded the new Volume 3 version that just came out and this problem still seems to be happening.
Do you know if there is another fix for it that might work?
My apologies, I found the issue, I had changed it in one place but not another so it was still using the older version. You are correct it has been fixed.