I attached this issue with screenshots.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Hi, Thank you for your quick response.
I attached our current source code, the structure is that the Edit.cshtml includes as a partial view with _StarGrid which has Syncfusion grid.
the stargrid.js includes all related events in Main grid and Child grid.
however, the core logic for showing grid is in _StarGrid.cshtml.
/* Force width of validation so the message is not truncated */
.e-field-validation-error {
width: 113px;
.e-rowcell {
word-wrap:break-word !important;
.e-grid {
overflow-y:auto !important;
setTimeout(function () {
var height = $('.e-detailrow:visible').height();
if (height > 200) // default is 200px, if height is bigger than, then apply it.
$(".e-grid").css("min-height", height + "px");
}, 1000);
this code works, with this code, it can show the full height of child grid of #StarGrid.
however as you can see, I just use setTimeOut and set height and then collapse then expand, it works.
but there may be a better solution, I think so.
Please give me a response soon.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,