Hi Hub,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
To access your Dashboard Server hosted in the IIS Express through your Network Address please, follow the below the steps,
1. Open latest “applicationhost.config” file from the temp location of your machine.
For Example : C:\Users\{UserName} \AppData\Local\Temp
2. We need to add the network address in this file manually to host the Dashboard server through network address. Please find the node with the port number in which the dashboard server is currently installed. Say for example, you have installed dashboard server in the port number “63586”.
Please refer the below screenshot,
3. Now Replace, “localhost” with your Network Address and port number with mentioned port number “8080” and then save the file.
You need to specifically allow incoming connections to your application. First, start an administrative command prompt. Second, run these commands, replacing 192.168.xxx.xxx:8080 with whatever IP and port you are using:
> netsh http add urlacl url=http:// 192.168.xxx.xxx:8080 / user=everyone
The below commands adds a rule in the Windows Firewall, allowing incoming connections to port 8080 for computers on your local subnet.
> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="IISExpressWeb" dir=in protocol=tcp localport=8080 profile=private remoteip=localsubnet action=allow
But this is not a recommended way to access your site through Network address if it is hosted in IIS Express. Rather host the dashboard server in IIS and then publish through Network address.
To host your Dashboard Server in IIS please follow our help documentation link given below,
To access your site through your Network address please do the steps given below in IIS manager,
Let us know if you face any difficulties.
Rajesh. R