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Overwrite Original Image

Hi There,

Is it possible for the editor to overwrite the image rather than saving a new copy.  Alternatively is it possible to get the file path for the saved image in order to do something with it.  I have tried subscribing to the ImageSaved event of the Editor but the property ImageSavedEventArgs.Location is an empty string rather than any file path.

So far I have only tried this on iOS.

Its a great control by the way :-)


P.S here is some of my code:

SfImageEditorPage editor = new SfImageEditorPage(pathToFileToEdit);
 editor.Editor.ImageSaved += Editor_ImageSaved;
await Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(editor));

private void Editor_ImageSaved(object sender, ImageSavedEventArgs args)
     var test = args.Location; // test is an empty string

public class SfImageEditorPage : ContentPage
        SfImageEditor _editor;

        public SfImageEditorPage(string file)
            _editor = new SfImageEditor();
            _editor.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(file);
            Content = _editor;

        public SfImageEditorPage(Stream file)
            _editor = new SfImageEditor();
            _editor.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => file);
            Content = _editor;

        public SfImageEditor Editor { get => _editor; }


1 Reply

AK Ashwin Kumaravel Syncfusion Team July 6, 2017 03:53 AM UTC

Hi Robbie,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We could reproduce the reported issue” ImageSavedEventArgs.Location is an empty” at our end. And we have logged a defect report regarding the same. A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account.

Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


Ashwin K

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