Thanks for contacting Syncfusion
Please find the details for the Gantt, Schedule, and Kanban controls on how to use EditSettings and EditMode below.
Gantt, we can’t import custom dialog template for add/edit operation but we can
customize the fields and tabs in Add/Edit dialog by using an API’s called
“AddDialogFields”, “EditDialogFields”.
We can enable dialog editing support by set EditMode as “normal” in the EditSettings property.
We also have “ActionBegin” client side event with some of requestType like “beforeOpenAddDialog”, ”openAddDialog”, ”beforeOpenEditDialog”, ”openEditDialog”. It will be triggered before opening the dialog box. In this event, we can get the current record and element of the dialog. So, we can also do customizations in data or elements of each field.
Please refer following code snippet,
@(Html.EJ().Gantt("GanttContainer") //…
.EditSettings(edit =>
.EditDialogFields(f =>
}) .ClientSideEvents(cs
cs.ActionBegin("actionBegin"); //
ActionBegin client side event
}) <script type="text/javascript">
function actionBegin(args) {
if(args.requestType == "beforeOpenAddDialog"){
// Get record data and dialog element
else if(args.requestType == "openAddDialog"){
// Get record data and each field element
} |
We have also prepared a
MVC 5 Gantt sample in the version Please find the sample location as
We would like to inform that provided
information is not sufficient for us to track the cause for the issue. We have
prepared the sample by rendering both the Schedule and Grid inside the Tab
control which can be download from the below location.
Kindly try the sample and if the issue persists, try to reproduce the error in a sample and revert it back to us. Or else you can share your code example/runnable sample (if possible) to proceed further.
We have created a kanban sample with editmode as dialogTemplate. Using this template support, you can edit the fields that are unbound to editItems. Please refer to the following code.
kanbanFeature.cs @(Html.EJ().Kanban("Kanban") .EditSettings(edit
=> { edit.AllowAdding(true) .AllowEditing(true) .EditMode(KanbanEditMode.DialogTemplate) // Dialog
template .DialogTemplate("#template"); // Dialog
template id }) .ClientSideEvents(eve
=> { eve.ActionComplete("complete"); // action complete event }) ) <script type="text/javascript"> function complete(args) { if ((args.requestType == "beginedit" || args.requestType == "add") &&
args.model.editSettings.editMode == "dialogtemplate") { $("#Estimate").ejNumericTextbox({ value:
parseFloat($("#Estimate").val()), width: "175px", height: "34px", decimalPlaces: 2 }); $("#Assignee").ejDropDownList({ width: '175px' }); $("#Status").ejDropDownList({ width: '175px' }); $("#Priority").ejDropDownList({ width: '175px' }); if (args.requestType == "beginedit" || args.requestType == "add") { $("#Assignee").ejDropDownList("setSelectedValue", args.data['Assignee']); $("#Priority").ejDropDownList("setSelectedValue", args.data['Priority']); $("#Status").ejDropDownList("setSelectedValue", args.data['Status']); } $(".e-field").css({ 'width': '175px', 'text-align': 'left' }); } } </script> |
Sorry, it is a misunderstanding.
Forgive me that the information is not sufficient for your need, I will try to provide more detailed about the issue.
My requirement is to develop a partialview using Syncfusion Tab and other Syncfusion controls to combine a new pop-up page, and I want when I click the event detail, it could load that.
For example at Gantt, when the TaskDetails be clicked, it will load the Task Information as a pop-up page, and it seems like using Syncfusion Tab control.
I hope that when I click the TaskDetails, the pop-up page will load my partial view.
In other words, I want replaced the default Task Information pop-up page.
If the Syncfusion's EditSettings(or other ways) could specifying a partial view URL, I thought that could be with more elastic and I also could put more plugins or Syncfusion controls in the event details.
For example, I want add a Syncfusion Chart in event detail's pop-up page from Gantt, Schedule, Kanban, or Grid.
The Syncfusion Chart is very plentiful and multiform, if it could combine in event details, it is very useful.
Finally, the core issue is:
I want expand the Syncfusion event detail, include Gantt, Schedule, Kanban, and Grid.
What can I do that let the event's detail to load other partial view?
Or, Is there any way that I could expand the Syncfusion's default event pop-up page?
Thank you very much
Best regards
.Datasource(ds => ds.Json(ViewBag.datasource))
.EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding().AllowEditing().AllowDeleting().EditMode(EditMode.DialogTemplate).DialogEditorTemplateID("template"); })
.Columns(col =>
.ClientSideEvents(events => events.ActionComplete("actionComplete"))
function actionComplete(args) {
if ((args.requestType == "beginedit" || args.requestType == "add")) {
if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.rowIndex))
var EmployeeID = this.model.currentViewData[args.rowIndex]["EmployeeID"];
url: args.requestType == "add" ? "/Home/EditPartial" : "/Home/EditPartial?EmployeeID=" + EmployeeID,
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
$("#GridEditForm").html(data); //rendered the partial view that contains chart control
@model MvcApplication66.EmployeeView
<div id="template">
<b>Order Details</b>
<table cellspacing="10">
<td style="text-align: left">
@Html.EJ().ScriptManager()@*To render Syncfusion controls in partialview*@
public ActionResult EditPartial()
var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().EmployeeViews.ToList();
var id = 0;
Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (Request.QueryString["EmployeeID"] != null)
id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmployeeID"]);
var data = DataSource.Where(ID => ID.EmployeeID == id).SingleOrDefault();
return PartialView("_PartialPage1", data); //call the partial view page with model binding
.ClientSideEvents(cs =>
cs.ActionBegin("actionBegin"); // ActionBegin client side event
<script type="text/javascript">
function actionBegin(args) {
// Cancel the default Add/Edit dialog box
if (args.requestType == "beforeOpenEditDialog" || args.requestType == "beforeOpenAddDialog")
var data = args.data.item;
args.cancel = true
// Public method for dynamically add record
ganttObj.addRecord(data, rowPosition);
//Public method for dynamically update record
ganttObj.updateRecordByTaskId(data); |
.EditSettings(edit =>
.EditMode(KanbanEditMode.DialogTemplate) // Specify editMode
.DialogTemplate("template"); // Specify template id
.ClientSideEvents(eve =>
eve.ActionComplete("actionComplete"); // Action complete event
function actionComplete(args) {
if ((args.requestType == "beginedit")) {
if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.data))
var CardID = args.data[this.model.fields.primaryKey]; // Get clicked card Id
url: "/Home/EditPartial?CardID=" + CardID, // Call EditPartial method in controller
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
$("#KanbanEditForm").html(data); // Get data from partialView page
public ActionResult EditPartial(int CardId)
var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().EmployeeViews.ToList();
var data = DataSource.Where(ID => ID.EmployeeID == CardId).SingleOrDefault(); // Filter Employee data using cardId
ViewBag.data = data;
return PartialView("_PartialPage1", data);
<div id="template"> // dialog template Id
<b>Order Details</b>
<table cellspacing="10">
<td style="text-align: left">
@(Html.EJ().Chart("container") // Render chart control
.Series(sr =>
.Load("onchartload") // Load event
function onchartload(sender) { // Called when chart was loaded
if (@ViewBag.data.EmployeeID == 1){ // Based on cardID, chart data was loaded
var chartData = [
{ month: 'Jan', sales: 35 }, { month: 'Feb', sales: 28 }, { month: 'Mar', sales: 34 },
{ month: 'Apr', sales: 32 }, { month: 'May', sales: 40 }, { month: 'Jun', sales: 32 },
{ month: 'Jul', sales: 35 }, { month: 'Aug', sales: 55 }, { month: 'Sep', sales: 38 },
{ month: 'Oct', sales: 30 }, { month: 'Nov', sales: 25 }, { month: 'Dec', sales: 32 }];
sender.model.series[0].dataSource = chartData; // Assign data into data source
sender.model.series[0].xName = "month";
sender.model.series[0].yName = "sales";
I'm glad for this samples and solutions.
Now every Syncfusion controls are worked well and I already know how to change the control's event dialog pop-up page.
I'm impressed and Syncfusion teams really do a good job!
Best regards.