I have created a WPF app with a ribbon and it works well apart from one problem. The ribbon makes use of a backstage which has a number of controls that bind to the viewmodel for the RibbonWindow.
My issue is that the bindings do not seem to work. I have some properties that for testing purposes resolve to a fixed string such as
public string RecentFileListCount
get { return "Boom!!"; }
Yet when I bind to it in the backstage along the line of :
<TextBlock Text="{Binding RecentFileListCount}" FontSize="38" Margin="20 20 0 0" FontFamily="{StaticResource LatoLight}"></TextBlock>
the binding does not work and nothing is shown. If I add the same snippet of XAML to another control it displays correctly.
Is there something about the controls you can use or the method of binding in a Ribbon Backstage?