Hello! Thanks for helping us, developers, along the way.
I'd like to implement certain behavior for charts.
What we have now:
1) If user taps on chart series bar or line/spline data marker point, it is possible to show tooltip for this data point.
2) If user (long)taps on chart area it is possible to show trackball line with data labels for this point. The trackball disappears soon on tap end.
What is desirable:
1) User wants to tap anywhere inside chart area in order to see tooltips for all data points at the same time. Tooltips should disappear after delay.
I suppose this could be done using some Xamarin GestureRecognizer on ChartToolTipBehavior class extension + DataMarker technic..
2) User wants to tap (preferable normal, not long tap) on chart to see Trackball with labels and to keep it on screen for a longer time (controlled by delay or user input).
Could you please provide any solution for this?