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Crash/Error in exporting chart in excel

I am getting "The type initialiser for ‘Syncfusion.XIsIO.Implementation.FormulaUtil’ threw an exception" this error when running the sample and exporting charts in excel. I am running iOS xamarin sample version SampleBrowser_2015.  I was trying importing the file explicitly but FormulaUtil is not in Syncfusion.XIsIO.Implementation. Please help on this.Attachment: Screen_Shot_20170619_at_8.47.56_PM_1d47ba81.zip

3 Replies

SS Sridhar Sukumar Syncfusion Team June 20, 2017 01:26 PM UTC

Hi Jitendra,  
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.  
This exception occurs when the linker options is set to link all assemblies. Please refer the following KB link to resolve the issue.  
KB link:  
Unfortunately, the attachment of screen shot you mentioned was not there. If the issue still persists, we request you to share us the screenshot and stack trace of the issue to investigate further on this and provide a prompt solution at the earliest.  

JI Jitendra June 20, 2017 02:18 PM UTC


I am able to run the sample but while exporting chart into excel syncfusion sample is getting crashed.

Error : The type initialiser for ‘Syncfusion.XIsIO.Implementation.FormulaUtil

Please help on this

Attachment: Screen_Shot_20170619_at_8.47.56_PM_610b736f.zip

MM Mathu Mohan Vijayakumar Syncfusion Team June 21, 2017 02:20 PM UTC

Hi Jitendra,

We suspect that the issue might be raised from linker options are not set as in the given KB link. So, we have prepared a simple sample with recommended linker options and the sample can be downloaded from the below link. 

Sample Link:   

Kindly try this and let us know whether the given sample runs properly at your end.

Mathu Mohan V A 

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