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Scrolling in DoubleTextBox


i had a DoubleTextBox in the SfDataGrid with scrolling for the values.
But when i scroll, the value add 1 and also the whole DataGrid is scrolling, so that this Row is over my cursor.
Can i stop scrolling the Datagrid when the Mouse is on the Field ?


5 Replies

MK Muthukumar Kalyanasundaram Syncfusion Team June 9, 2017 11:51 AM UTC

Hi Greets, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Can you make sure, you are setting AllowScrollingOnCircle property as True as show the like below code, so DataGrid won’t get scrolling when mouse wheel over the Numeric Column editor. 
Code Snippet: 
<Syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" Grid.Column="0" 
                        AllowEditing="True" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=EmployeeDetails}" AllowFiltering="True" AllowSorting="False"  
        <Syncfusion:GridNumericColumn MappingName="EmployeeId" AllowScrollingOnCircle="True"/> 
        <Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="EmployeeName"/> 
        <Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="City"/> 
        <Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="MailId"/> 
Please let us know if you are seeing different behavior and explain the same with details of how you are defining column or with modified sample. 
Muthukumar K 

DE Denig June 9, 2017 01:10 PM UTC


i havn't the Property AllowScrollinCircle in the Field SfDoubleTextbox in my DataGrid.

this is my Definition.
in the other Thread you see the Screenshot, how it look.

                   <syncfusion:SfDataGrid Name="lstArtikel"
                                   Height="640" Width="1280"
                                   SelectionChanged="lstArtikel_SelectionChanged" RowHeight="60" 
                                   AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowRowHeader="False" HeaderRowHeight="0"
                                   SelectionUnit="Row"  CurrentCellBorderThickness="0,0,0,0"
                                   GroupCaptionTextFormat="'{ColumnName} : {Key} - {ItemsCount} Artikel'" Margin="0,-1,0,1"  >

                            <syncfusion:GroupColumnDescription ColumnName="Warengruppe" />
                        <syncfusion:SfDataGrid.Columns >

                            <syncfusion:GridTemplateColumn Width="120" >
                                        <syncfusion:DoubleTextBox Name="fldOrdermenge"  FontSize="18" Margin="10,0,10,0"
                                                    VerticalAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" Width="90" TextAlignment="Right"
                                                    Value="{Binding Path=Gesamtsatz.Ordermenge, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
                                                    HorizontalAlignment="Right" MinValue="0" MaxValue="99999" Height="30" NullValue="0"
                                                    NumberDecimalDigits="3" IsScrollingOnCircle="True" EnableExtendedScrolling="True"
                                                    Validation.ErrorTemplate="{StaticResource errorTemplateRight}" ValueChanged="fldOrdermenge_ValueChanged"  >


MK Muthukumar Kalyanasundaram Syncfusion Team June 13, 2017 01:19 PM UTC

Hi Greets, 
Thanks for the update. 
We have analyzed your query. You can achieve your requirement by overriding ProcessPointerWheel  method in GridSelectionController class as shown like below code, 
Code Snippet: 
this.dataGrid.SelectionController = new GridSelectionControllerExt(this.dataGrid); 
internal class GridSelectionControllerExt : GridSelectionController 
    public GridSelectionControllerExt(SfDataGrid datagrid) : base(datagrid) 
    protected override void ProcessPointerWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs args, RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex) 
        var currentCell = CurrentCellManager.CurrentCell;            
        var prop = DataGrid.GetVisualContainer().GetType().GetField("SuspendManipulationScroll", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 
       if (currentCell.GridColumn.MappingName== "EmployeeId" && (currentCell.GridColumn is GridTemplateColumn) 
            &&  CurrentCellManager.CurrentRowColumnIndex.RowIndex == rowColumnIndex.RowIndex) 
            prop.SetValue(DataGrid.GetVisualContainer(), true); 
            prop.SetValue(DataGrid.GetVisualContainer(), currentCell.IsEditing); 
Please let us know if you have any query. 
Muthukumar K 

DE Denig June 29, 2017 02:46 PM UTC


thx for answer.

i installed th latest version

this is the Error-Message

MK Muthukumar Kalyanasundaram Syncfusion Team June 30, 2017 04:47 PM UTC

Hi Greets, 
Thanks for the update. 
We have checked your query. We were unable to reproduce the reported issue “Error- There was no suitable method to override in ProcessPointerWheel method”  in our side. For your reference, we have attached the video file in the below location.  
Could you please share some more information about your query as like,  
  1. Could you please check whether all the Syncfusion assembly have same version (  or not?. If assembly version are differed, could you please remove and reinstall the essential studio version again on your machine.
Please let us know if you have any query. 
Muthukumar K 

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