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If you became a customer of the Syncfusion Reporting Platform or the Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer components before October 2019 and have questions related to those products, you can request support through our forum system. However, please note that this support system is only for existing customers who are still using the Syncfusion Reporting Platform or its components and not for new customers looking for reporting products from Syncfusion.

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BEst way to migrate through environments


We have 3 servers (Dev, UAT and Production).

Can you please advise on the best way to promote reports/datasets/datasources through the environments please.

ie once UAT has passed how do we migrate the report to Prod?



1 Reply

RR Rajesh Rajendiran Syncfusion Team June 9, 2017 12:54 PM UTC

Hi Patrick,  

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 

To migrate the resources, you need to back up all the Report Server elements located in the following location of the UAT machine. 
%programdata%\Syncfusion\Report Server        
For Example : C:\ProgramData\Syncfusion\Report Server      
All the Resources and Logs will be in that “Report Server” folder.   

Case 1: If both the UAT and Production server point outs the same database means, please follow the bellow steps in Production server, 
1.            Go the folder %programdata% (For example: C:\ProgramData)    
2.            Create a folder “Syncfusion”.     
3.            Paste the backup folder “Report Server” in the newly created folder.     
4.            Install the same version of Syncfusion Report Server.  
If you follow the above steps, all data will be migrated to the production server as well. The users will not be affected. They do not need to change their passwords, etc. The Production Server ideally has the same categories, reports, datasets, and data sources.   

The above steps will back up and restore Resources and Logs folder.  

Case 2: If you want to keep separate database for both UAT and Production server, follow the steps mentioned in the Case 1. Additionally you need to change the database mapping based on the Database type you have chosen.  
For SQLCE: No changes required for the database mapping.  
For SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle follow the below procedure in the production server:     
The database configuration file will be in the below folder:     
%programdata%\Syncfusion\Report Server\Configuration    
Do the following changes in the production server:     
1.       Backup the schema and data. Restore it in a different DB server. This will copy all the user data to a separate DB server.    
2.       Form the Connection string for the production DB server as follows:     
SQL Server     
SQL Server Authentication:     
Data Source=”databaseCredentials.ServerName”;user id=”databaseCredentials.UserName”;password=”databaseCredentials.Password”;Initial Catalog=”databaseCredentials.DatabaseName”;    
Windows Authentication:     
"Server=”databaseCredentials.ServerName”; Integrated Security=yes;" Initial Catalog=”databaseCredentials.DatabaseName”;    
DSN="DSN name;"Uid="User Name";password="Password";    
master:DSN=DSN name;UID="Admin User Name";PWD="Admin Password";current:DSN=databaseCredentials.DSN;UID="Client User Name";PWD="Client Password";    
3.       Now encrypt the connection string of the production server using the utility:     

·         Run the Connection String Encryption.exe.     
·         Enter the above connection string and press Enter.     
·         You will get the encrypted connection string.    
4.       Replace the encrypted connection string in the Config.xml file of the production server.    
(%programdata%\Syncfusion\Report Server\Configuration\Config.xml)     

Rajesh. R 

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