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Border style

How can I change the border style of the autocomplete box so that it looks like a standard Entry control?  i.e., just show a bottom line (on android).  When you have a number of Entry controls and only 1 autocomplete control on the page, it doesn’t look good.


9 Replies

VA Vanaja  Annasamy Syncfusion Team May 22, 2017 12:41 PM UTC

Hi Andrew, 
Currently we do not have support for "BorderStyle to be displayed as BottomLine " in SfAutoComplete. We have considered your requirement as feature request and have logged a report for the same. 

The feature will be available in 2017 Volume 2 SP1 release which is expected to be rolled out by the end of May 2017. 
Vanaja R.A.

AC Andrew Coles May 24, 2017 01:14 PM UTC

That's great news, thanks!

VA Vanaja  Annasamy Syncfusion Team May 25, 2017 06:20 AM UTC

Hi Andrew, 
Thank you for the update. As promised earlier the requested feature "BorderStyle to be displayed as BottomLine " in SfAutoComplete will be available on 2017 Volume 2 SP1 Release. 
Vanaja R.A. 

VA Vanaja  Annasamy Syncfusion Team May 30, 2017 12:39 PM UTC

Hi Andrew,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The feature "BorderStyle to be displayed as BottomLine " in SfAutoComplete is delayed due to stability concern of the control and other previously promised tasks. So, the feature "BorderStyle to be displayed as BottomLine" in SfAutoComplete will be available in 2017 Volume 2 SP2 Release which is expected to be rolled out by the end of June 2017.

Vanaja R.A.

VA Vanaja  Annasamy Syncfusion Team June 16, 2017 12:34 PM UTC

Hi Andrew,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The feature "BorderStyle to be displayed as BottomLine" in SfAutoComplete is delayed due to other previously promised tasks. So, the feature will be available in 2017 Volume 3 Release which is expected to be rolled out by the end of July 2017.

Vanaja R.A.

DP David Perera July 14, 2017 10:17 AM UTC

This will mean we can put rounded corners? (on iOS the other pickers I have had that, and that does not look good on screen)

VA Vanaja  Annasamy Syncfusion Team July 17, 2017 11:40 AM UTC

Hi David,

Thank you for the update.

We have achieved your requirement "To display SfAutoComplete in rounded corners in Xamarin.Forms iOS through workaround. Please download the sample from the below link.

Link:  http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/130593/ze/AutoComplete674250014 

Please run the sample and check whether it meets your requirement. If not please provide the detailed description of yours and it will help us to work in line with your requirement.

Vanaja R.A.

CP Christina Praisy February 5, 2020 11:07 AM UTC

We have requirement to display Autocomplete as a standard entry contol(Only with a bottom line). Please let us know how to achieve that. Thank you.

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team February 6, 2020 12:12 PM UTC

Hi Andrew Coles, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
We would like to let you know that now the latest SfAutoComplete( control view looks like an Entry. Please find the screenshot 
Please let us know in which platform are you meant it or share more details about your requirement since we were unaware of your exact requirement. 
Hemalatha M. 

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