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Keytips not working for RibbonCheckBox


I'm building a WPF Ribbon application and although keytips that I assign to to RibbonCheckBoxes appear when I hold the alt key, they do not toggle checking or unchecking the checkboxes when I press the key associated with the control.  RibbonButtons and RibbonComboBoxes seem to handle the keytips automatically when they are pressed but they do not seem to fire for checkboxes.  Is this a known issue or is there something else that needs to be done to get KeyTips to do anything meaningful when used with RibbonCheckBoxes?

Please note that the keytips *appear* when you hold alt but pressing the key associated with the keytip does nothing.


1 Reply

KJ Keerthana Jegannathan Syncfusion Team May 22, 2017 12:01 PM UTC

Hi Tim, 
We considered this reported issue “Keytip is not working properly in RibbonCheckBox” as bug and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. 
Keerthana J   

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