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Create Matrix

I would like to generate a matrix (dynamic grid) with Sizes(horizontally, size = column) and Orders(vertically, order = ligne), all these values are dynamically 
generated from database tables. The user choose a combination of order and size, and how many pieces want to produce with this combination (an order can have several sizes). Finally, any modification / addition of values (pieces number) must be saved in the database.
How can this be achieved ?


Attachment: Exp_cc3f6a59.rar

1 Reply

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team May 18, 2017 09:18 AM UTC

Hi Anis, 

Thanks for contacting the Syncfusion support. 

Currently we don’t have support based on your requirementdynamically load data into the grid on demand with dynamic columns and rows. We have logged a Feature request for Unbound Grid Control and it will be implemented in any of our upcoming releases  

Please let us know if you have any questions about this.
Vignesh Natarajan.  

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