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TextArea in Dialog Template - best way to trigger a save when changes are made?

The following template renders fine and allows editing of the data.  When other fields are edited along with the textarea, the data manager sends the edited values to the controller fine.  When only the text area is changed, the updated data is not sent when the save button of the dialog is clicked.  How to I tell the grid object / data manager that changes have been made?  I cannot find any examples of what the best procedure is to do that is.




                        <textarea rows="4" cols ="40" id ="SuppSiteAddress" name ="SuppSiteAddress" class-"e-field e-ejinputtext" style="text-align:left;">{{:SuppSiteAddress}}</textarea>



Attachment: Index_452f1ab6.zip

1 Reply

PK Prasanna Kumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team May 10, 2017 10:24 AM UTC

Hi Bill,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We can reproduce the mentioned issue in our sample. We have already created a defect report for this issue and it has been fixed in version. So, we suggest you to upgrade to the latest version. 
For your convenience we attached a sample with the version script and please download from the following link
Prasanna Kumar N.S.V

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