Hello Everyone,
we got a problem which we are currently working on.
We want to use a DoubleTextBox or a similar WPF-Element.
The Issue is:
The user should be able to type 345 in the field and it got automatic corrected to 3.45
If he types 35 it should be 0.35
If he types 4.56 it should be 4.56
So far we implemented a Converter for the binding which do this very well.
But if the value is entered through database as a decimal value like 300 which ist 300.00
the converter look for the point "." -> didn't find it and place one so 300 is now 3.00
This is wrong.
If the database value is 312.45 it works well. The decimal cut off all zero digits :/
We are currently not able to use our converter for this.
Does anyone has an idea for our problem? Is there a WPF-Element from syncfusion which does this so far?