I am using Xamarin Studio to develop a proof of concept app with Xamarin Forms based on the Dropbox API example here ...
I populate my workbox then save it based on your examples..
foreach (var item in tmpResult)
worksheetUp.Range["A" + rowcount].Text = item.InspectionItemDescription;
worksheetUp.Range["B" + rowcount].Text = item.Category;
worksheetUp.Range["C" + rowcount].Text = "Test comment " + item.OID;
worksheetUp.Range["D" + rowcount].Text = "Pass";
MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream();
Then I try to upload it ....
var updated = await dbx.Files.UploadAsync("/SPHTEST.xls",
body: memstream);
but it gives a general error about reaching the host...I know this is false because it downloads a file 5 lines before it generates this file to be uploaded.
Do I need to write it to storage first ?
Thanks in advance for ANY help you can offer.....